
Bitcoin Cryptocurrency (BTC)

BitCoin - Digital Currency Desk

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency (BTC)

Bitcoin was the first of all the cyrptocurrencies. Created in 2009, it is the most expensive cryptocoin in the world and already accepted by thousands of merchants worldwide.

Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto and aims to change the way we think about money in general. A lot of BTC volume was orignially from people using Silk Road (a darkweb illicit trading site) and online gambling.

What is Bitcoin

That’s a great question. The real answer is “a decentralized digital currency”. That means that while Bitcoin can be described as ‘internet money’ it is more electronic money that isn’t printed, can’t be placed in a bank and are created by people called miners (more on that later). More Bitcoins are produced into circulation through software and technology and every single transaction involving Bitcoins is recorded in an open online ledger known as the Blockchain.



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